The Municipal council
The Municipal Council is a local government body the members of which are elected by the citizens of the Batak municipality in accordance with the Local Elections Act. The Municipal Council of Batak consists of 13 councilors. The Council is united by its policy for municipal development. Within its rights and freedom of decision making, it determines the municipal policy on issues related to:
1. municipal assets, municipal companies, municipal finance, municipal taxes and fees, municipal administration;
2. municipal development;
3. education - pre-school, primary, secondary and higher education;
4. science;
5. youth and youth activities;
6. healthcare;
7. culture - libraries, museums, etc.;
8. public works and utility activities;
9. social services;
10. environment protection, stewardship of natural resources, sports activities, recreation and tourism;
11. protection and maintenance of historical, cultural and architectural monuments;
12. international cooperation, European integration, and the development of civil society;
13. problems of disadvantaged groups, disabled people and ethnic minorities;
14. problems of religious groups;
In addition, the Municipal Council solves problems that are outside the scope of other government and special-purpose collective bodies.
The Municipal Council:
1. appointing standing and temporary committees, and electing their members and chairs;
2. approving and adopting the structure of the municipal administration, proposed by the Mayor;
3. electing and dismissing the Chairperson of the Municipal Council;
4. making decisions concerning the salaries of the Mayor and the members of the municipal staff (proposed by the Mayor), in keeping with the existing regulations;
5. approving and amending the annual municipal budget, supervising the budget, receiving and reviewing interim and final reports;
6. determining the local fees;
7. making decisions for the procurement and management of municipal assets, and defining the authority of the Mayor;
8. making decisions for setting up, re-registering and winding up municipal companies, and electing the municipal representatives on the boards;
9. applying for bank loans, extending interest-free loans, and issuing municipal bonds in keeping with legislation;
10. making decisions regarding the structural plans and amending the plans to conform to the Law on the Structure of Territory;
11. approving strategies, forecasts, programs and municipal development plans, including development plans for the different residential quarters;
12. making decisions for the setting up or deregistering municipal foundations, as well as for managing the donated assets;
13. making decisions for the participation of the municipality in associations of local governments and other non-profit organizations; appointing the municipality's representatives in the organizations;
14. making decisions for the naming and re-naming of streets, squares, parks and other municipal sites;
15. making decisions for referendums, general assemblies and subscription lists concerning public issues, in keeping with the Referendum Act;
16. approving the municipal logo and stamp;
17. awarding honorary citizenship to Bulgarians or foreigners;
18. defining the requirements to the activities of physical or legal entities on the territory of the municipality, regarding the environmental, historical, social, etc. features of the municipality of Batak, as well as the technical and/or social infrastructure;
19. making decisions which override the Mayor's decisions, when the latter are at variance with the Council's decisions.
The meetings of the Municipal Council are open to the public and are held at least six times a year. As a rule, the Council meets each month on the last Tuesday. Citizens who are not councilors can have their say at the end of the meeting. They can make comments, suggestions or enquiries related to any public issue that is within the scope of the Council. The meetings are called and led by the Chairperson..
Municipal council - Batak
Osvobozhdenie sq.
pnone number: +359 3553/2338 |